Astrid Adler

Communtiy Art

"Astrid you are like a fresh wind."

Crack'd Spoon Performances

Mime performances and puppets with Crack'd Spoon Theatre Company

Disadvantage Areas

Puppet Show "The Children of Lir"

  • Making Puppets

  • Painting Backdrop

  • Write Script

  • Perform


The Raheen Prayer Blanket
Art project by Astrid Adler: Elderly where asked in 2008 what are their wishes/prayers for the world, find a symbol for it and felt it onto/into a blanket.

The harp-music playing under the film is a piece I composed. After visiting the Aran island Inish More and finding a hird part to it, I gave it the the name "Dun Aengus".

Inter Generational/Children

Family-School-Community Educational Partnership was a two-year pilot project being put in place by Mary Immaculate College of Education, Limerick.
I worked as a Community Worker under this project for 1½ years in two of the five primary schools chosen. I organised a Christmas show, including all 280 Children of the school doing following activities:

  • Writing a play

  • Acting

  • Decorations

  • Sing

  • Make music

  • Backdrop

I taught:

  • Creative movement

  • Fabric picture, whirlweels, felt balls, sound bottles, smell bottles for sensory corner with special class

  • Art

  • Music: lessons and performance

  • Mime: lessons and performance

  • Mural

  • Hop scotches etc.

  • Float. Award winners in St.Patrick’s Parade
    The School: 1st Price in Children Category
    Myself: Best overall character:St.Patrick’s Day Trophy.

  • Plants

  • Stonewall building

  • Willow dome

I facilitated:

  • School concert: Ska/Jazz Band

  • The Willowman

Learning Difficulties

I did a workshop felting with the Brothers of Charity in Kilrush and Ennis.

Working with the Brothers of Charity in Kilrush. We made little sculptures. As a following up we experimented with building a willow/clay dome