“The coast in a bucket” is the name of the upcoming show CATA ISLE MIME Theatre will be putting on in Kilkee. In early 2009 Astrid Adler was supported by the Arts Council to found CATA ISLE MIME Theatre.The group welcomes their new member Emer O’Carroll to their upcoming summer show in Kilkee community centre. Emer O’Carroll recently completed two years of Lecoq training in Paris and Barcelona. Mime is talking without words, expressing yourself with your whole body which constantly expresses our emotions and feelings; the language everyone understands. With Marcel Marceau developed techniques mimes brings fantasy and imagination to life. Because the body gives the picture inside a form it turns into reality,-for yourself and everybody watching. After producing a specially tailored show for Ennis Street Festival, this show depicts scenes of life at and around the coast. Using the universal language of the body, everyday scenes and stories are enacted with absurdities and unexpected solutions. All ages are welcome on Sunday 29th of August in Kilkee Community Centre at 4pm.
You find CATA ISLE MIME Theatre on Facebook: